Monday, February 18, 2019

Gaming weekend - Mordheim

I usually host at least one big Mordheim campaign/tournament at my house every year, and 2019 is no exception!

I am actually planning a big campaign for this summer, but this weekend a bunch of the guys got together for a one day "practice" campaign to refresh on the rules... I've got a few regulars but some folks hadn't played in years. Hopefully everyone can make it for the big two-day extravaganza this summer.

This weekend we played Mordheim all day and night on Saturday, and had a lot of fun. One of my buddies from out of town arrived on Friday and we got a few test games in, and of course he decided to scout out the weakenesses in my warband and completely restructure his list for Saturday. This was an evil, cunning plan... typical of a Chaos Magister. My Orc Warboss was not as subtle and stuck with the same troops and plan for Saturday. My son joined in with a Dark Elf list, and our 4th player was running a Skaven warband. We had a few special guests pop in for a random game as well (Witch Hunters and Averlanders).

After 6 games on Saturday, The Carnival of Chaos and Skaven were neck and neck for "winner." Skaven won the final game but Chaos rocked the post-game sequence, and likely would have dominated if we played another game!

Here are some pics from the Mordheim action this weekend:


Table setups & in-game shots


  1. Great tables! Full of terrain as Mordheim should be 😀

  2. Also did you repaint some of the prepainted terrain (checkerboard floor in building)?

  3. I did! Do you like it? I did it as an experiment because we had a table of gray cobblestones with all of the gray gothic ruins, and it was just TOO MUCH GRAY! Haha... I really think the little touch of color adds a lot. I'd like to do the rest of the floors this way, and now I'm even thinking about adding some crawling ivy up the walls too... but I'm worries it would be too delicate. They are gaming terrain after all, and not display pieces!

    1. I think it looks great, might try it with mine. First need to fix the extra broken ones from a shipping mishap.
