Thursday, February 14, 2019

was ist das?!

What is this... some World War 2 minis on the horizon?!

Yes, two platoons ready to go for Chain of Command, and possibly Bolt Action. The germans are going to be the first up in the paint queue. I never really got into Flames of War but I had a bunch of models from years ago sitting in my basement (the ever present lead pile!). Of all of them, the only ones I had painted were a company of US 82nd Airborne, with some tank support for Market Garden. I've been very interested in that campaign for many years, ever since the computer game "Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far" came out. I used to spend hours and hours playing that game against a buddy of mine.

Anyway, I saw recently that the Late War sale was going on at Battlefront and decided to jump in and buy a few more things to round out my collection. I didn't think I would need much since I wasn't interested in actually playing FoW, and was looking for a platoon level game to play with the models, rather than a company sized game. Oh well, think again. I ended up placing multiple orders and buying a ton of stuff. Shocking, I know!

But for now - I've got to kick the WW2 bug and get ready for some gaming! I'm hosting some Mordheim games this weekend so had to pack up the Germans and whip out some tables for the day. Here are some shots before the action:

A 4x4 densely packed table...

...a more sparsely packed table with wide open streets:

...and oppopsing views from across the table of a smaller 3x3 table for "overflow" in case I've got more than 4 folks at once looking to get a game in:

I try to host one big Mordheim weekend at least once a year. This year we are going to do a big tournament over the summer, but everyone was interested in having a practice day this weekend. So here we go! Last time I got 6 tables ready, but it seemed like only half of them were ever being used at once, so I'm not going as crazy this year.

In other news... I finished painting up my second horde of Goblins for Kings of War. These were definitely a bit more tedious than the first horde! I can see that part getting old quickly. The good news is, I can probably base my first 1000 points around only 2 hordes, so it will be time to start painting up some characters, trolls, a giant, etc. soon.

I got a Kings of War day in recently and tried to have a rematch against my buddy Greg who whooped me over the holidays... but he does not know what a "rematch" is and brought an entirely different army. And beat me again. Damn you Greg! Luckily another friend, Nino, stopped by as well and I was able to eke out a narrow victory against him, so, partially vindicated!

The key to the whole game and my "win," which I feel guilty even describing as such, was Nino rolling double "1's" on his Nerve tests after beating me in combat. He did it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES IN A ROW. I don't think he was too happy. 

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