Friday, February 1, 2019

2019 goals

So now that the first month of the year is OVER already, I guess I should try to jot down some goals for the year!

I always have so many interests and projects I'd like to do, but it's not realistic to think that I'll get to all of them. I can't believe It's already February!

I think my top priority is going to be to work on an army for Kings of War. I've already been playing every now and then for the past few years since WHFB was discontinued, and it seems to be th emost popular game in my local gaming group. But I HATE packing up all of my single based models from my display case to go anywhere!

So I'm determined this year to actually make use of one of the best benefits of KOW, and do a multi-based army. I actually already started working on them... I've got two in mind, one Goblin army (core of the army will be GW Night Goblins), and one Night Stalker army (I just couldn't resist getting the new Night Haunt models from GW even though I haven't been buying their stuff for years!). As luck would have it, GW actually just released a bunch of new Night Goblin models too, so strangely enough I'll be buying a lot of their stuff lately even though I don't play any of their games!

First army I'm working on is the Goblins. I have sooo many old Orcs n' Goblins from my Warhammer collecting days. I'm using some Skull Pass plastic Night Goblins as the main infantry blocks, and will fill it out with other units and monsters as I "unlock" those choices. I'm trying to paint them in the order that I can legally take them in an army list!

My goal for the year is to get 1000 points done, since this seems to be the smallest game anyone would get together for. Then, if we are getting together at someone else's place for a game, this will be my "travel" army so I don't have to pack up all my single based stuff!

I am taking a different approach to the army than I normally would. I am painting them on stands with multiple models, and will base them after painting. Well see how it turns out.

So far I've been having fun painting them, although I know painting a horde army will get tedious! Fortunately I am planning on using only the minimum "tournament legal" model counts on my horde bases, so 21 models instead of 40. I had a lot of momentum in January and got a whole horde done. I just started working on the second and they haven't been going as quickly :(

Here are some work-in-progress shots:

After I finish these I will get some trolls and a giant painted. Planning on using cheap models for these instead of GW, so that I can get them done quickly and not feel bad about it!

The giant is an old model from the 1st Edition board game Descent, and the Trolls are 54mm orcs from a Russian eBay seller. They cost 8 bucks for 4... with free shipping! Pretty good deal I'd say. And I think the relative size of the Giant > Trolls > Goblins looks about right. Two of the trolls fill up a regiment base nicely.

In addition to the KOW army, I want to paint up a new Mordheim warband for my son as well. He has been getting older and is almost too cool now to play with toy soldiers with his dad! But he asked me last year if I could paint up a Sisters of Sigmar warband for him to use in our big campaign this year. I've got until the summer to get it done... already started converting some Reaper models to use (I hate the "official" models, and they are expensive on eBay). I like the Reaper models a lot, but the only problem is that the mostly came with swords, and the Sisters of Sigmar do not have the option to take swords! I cut most of them down as daggers and added random hammers/maces as primary weapons.

Beyond these... I have a bunch of things that would be nice to get done, but not sure what I'll end up focusing on. I have a burning desire to get back into WW2 painting/gaming, but I never really liked Flames of War. 

I think I will try some Platoon level games instead. I just ordered Chain of Command and Bolt Action, along with a few others. We'll see where it ends up. 

I would like to work on some terrain projects as well but not sure what I will get the motivation to do - definitely need to finish off all of the Mordheim buildings that I got 95% done last year. I also have one new large building that I built and primed but never painted, and a couple of models that were partially painted and then got thrown into storage. Maybe I'll finally finish 'em!

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