Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2018 - painting recap

I spent time on a lot of random things over the past 18 months. There was no big army project for wargaming.

I did get a bunch of random models painted that had been sitting on my desk for quite a while, so I was happy about that.

The first two were given to me by a friend who was so frustrated with Games Workshop when they destroyed the Warhammer universe, he gave up in disgust! He had a huge collection, including a FULLY painted Orc army, half painted armies of High Elves and Lizardmen, and a bunch of other random models and scenery. I still have no idea why he would just give all this away, but some people are crazy ;)

This guy was mostly painted when I got him, and I always wanted to just touch him up and finish his base so he can be used in games instead of just sitting on my desk. Finally got around to it. Now he may see the light of day in either Kings of War or Mordheim, even if we never play Warhammer again! I took a bunch of shots because I'm trying to experiment with my photography a little bit and take something that looks nicer than the usual "picture of finished model on my crowded paint desk."

Same story with this guy. He was intended to be used in a Witch Hunter warband for Mordheim. Maybe someday I'll paint up a full warband for him to join!


  1. Hey, I see you updated your blog! Awesome work. Nice to see you painting and updating. I'll be posting a boat load up updates too as I have the photos but never updated. Glad to see you active again.

  2. Yeah man! Definitely been painting a lot more now that I am home more. And I've already gotten more games in this year than I did last year ;)

    Looking forward to the next Mordheim day!
