Thursday, January 31, 2019

2018 recap & plans for 2019...

As I was trying to figure out what my goals will be for this year, I remembered one more thing I painted last year.

I have been getting into 15mm models in a big way over the past several months. It all started as I was trying to figure out a way to make my annual Mordheim campaign a little more "portable."

I usually host at least one big Mordheim campaign every year, but all of the terrain takes up a huge amount of space. I took the minis "on the road" one year and ran a campaign across the country at a friend's place but there was no way I could bring all the terrain.

This game came out on Kickstarter and I thought it would be an awesome way to get a collection of 15mm medieval fantasy minis all in one go. The idea was to buy this set and leave it at that:

But of course that wasn't going to happen.

I had been looking into using smaller minis and testing the idea of using paper terrain from Dave Graffam. I considered 10mm and 15mm... I love Pendraken 10mm models and they would give the best space savings, but as part of my "testing out" process I've totally gotten obsessed with 15mm models!

I first dug out some old models that had been sitting in my lead pile for many years. I bought them as Reaper models in their "Shadow Corps" line, but I guess they have sold the range because I see them listed on the Magister Militum site now an Reaper no longer sells 15mm.

Here were the first test models I painted - I included some Flames of War models for scale comparison:

An Orc, a Dwarf, and an Undead Skeleton champion. I liked painting them a lot, and decided to try my hand at painting one of the hundreds of ancient Greek era 15mm Xyston models that have also been sitting in my lead pile for years as a human fantasy barbarian type... He's a Thracian. I hadn't painted any 15mm models since doing a small airborne company for Flames of War a few (err... more than a few) years back.

Since I enjoyed it so much, I expanded the Orcs into a small warband. They are on round bases, so hopefully that wouldn't be a problem with using them in Mordheim. But if not, I can play some pocket sized games of Song of Blades & Heroes!

I almost finished a Dwarf warband before the end of the year too, but they are still off to the side of my painting desk right now.

And then, the REAL buying began. I can't help myself! I ended up researching all manner of 15mm manufacturers of 15mm models, and started piling up a collection from Battle Valor, Splintered Light, Venexia, Khurasan, and Copplestone. I'm still planning on getting a bunch of stuff from Blue Moon, and the old Demonworld models available from Ral Partha Europe!

And the sad part is... I still may end up getting a collection in 10mm too. I have a problem.

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